Diaspora Cares to Raise Funds to Help Workers Affected by Covid-19

The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, explained that the Indonesian diaspora would provide donations for workers, both formal and informal, who experienced layoffs (PHK) or were sent home.

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The assistance provided is USD 50 or around IDR 743,000 and will be distributed through Diaspora Care.

"Today I am proud that the diaspora launched Diaspora Care, an activity that collects donations from the diaspora to help our brothers and sisters in the country who are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, especially those who have been laid off or sent home," said Ida through a Video Conference, Jakarta, Monday (18/5 / 2020).

Assistance will be provided family to family, namely from diaspora families to families in need. For diaspora families who intend to make and share Donation Information, they can access the profiles of potential beneficiaries on the website www.diasporapeduli.id.

"The diaspora will help through the family to family program. The donation is USD 50 per month. The assistance mechanism will be channeled online. Prospective donors will choose potential donation recipients through www.diasporapeduli.id," he explained.

Ida hopes that as many as 6 million diaspora around the world will participate in the assistance program so that more layoff victims can be helped.

"At least 6 million diasporas throughout the world will immediately participate in this humanitarian program," he concluded.

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